What are the secrets to building a values-driven culture that goes beyond mere slogans and transforms our workplaces into vibrant hubs of authenticity and purpose?

Let’s get down to business and make values more than just wall décor.

Values are the guiding principles and beliefs that shape the character and behaviour of individuals and organisations. They serve as the compass that directs actions, decisions, and interactions, defining what is important and acceptable. Values act as a moral code, influencing how we treat one another, make choices, and navigate through the complexities of life. They are the foundation upon which organisational culture is built, representing the collective aspirations and ideals of its members. Values provide a sense of identity, purpose, and cohesion, creating a framework for unity and shared goals. They are the invisible threads that weave through the fabric of an organisation, shaping its reputation, influencing relationships, and driving sustainable success.

Unlike mere words or lofty statements, values manifest in behaviours and actions. They reflect the true character of individuals and organisations, serving as a litmus test for authenticity. Values are not static; they breathe and adapt to the changing dynamics of the world. They are lived, expressed, and reinforced through consistent actions, demonstrating a commitment to integrity, respect, collaboration, innovation, or any other principles that define the essence of the organisation. Values are not a checkbox to be marked off. They require continuous nurturing and reinforcement. When embraced wholeheartedly, values become a powerful force that empowers organisations to thrive amidst challenges, make principled decisions, and create a positive impact on their stakeholders and society as a whole.

Let’s look at values in organisations from three perspectives. The organisation, the leader, and the individual.


Organisational values serve as the moral compass, guiding principles, and shared beliefs that shape an organisation’s culture, behaviour, and decision-making. Research from the 1970s and 1980s (Posner & Munson, 1979) suggests that value-based organisations have a higher aptitude for driving success. These values create a sense of identity, foster employee engagement, and align actions with a higher purpose. Understanding the fundamental role of values is essential for organisations to shape their culture and achieve overall success.

The synergy between organisational values, purpose, vision, employee value proposition, branding, and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) creates a powerful alignment that propels organisations towards a holistic and impactful approach to success. When deeply ingrained and aligned, these values become the driving force behind decision-making, shaping the employee experience, and influencing external perceptions. A strong employee value proposition that reflects the organisation’s values attracts and retains top talent who are passionate about the organisation’s mission. This synergy fosters a sense of belonging, engagement, and alignment among employees, enabling them to contribute their best towards the organisation’s goals.

In addition, branding plays a crucial role in amplifying the organisation’s values, purpose, and ESG efforts. An authentic brand identity that reflects the organisation’s values resonates with stakeholders, establishing trust and creating a positive perception. The organisation’s commitment to ESG initiatives enhances its brand reputation, showcasing dedication to sustainable practices, social responsibility, and ethical governance. By aligning values, purpose, employee value proposition, branding, and ESG, organisations create a powerful narrative that attracts stakeholders who share their values, strengthens relationships, and generates long-term value and positive impact in society.


Leaders, as managers and decision-makers, play a critical role in upholding and exemplifying organisational values. Research showcases the remarkable outcomes of values-based organisations, including increased employee motivation, customer loyalty, and long-term sustainability. Effective leaders fully embrace and embody the organisation’s values, serving as inspiration for their teams to align with the shared purpose. They foster an environment that encourages open communication, trust, and a steadfast commitment to the values that drive organisational success.

Values-based leadership is a transformative approach that prioritises the alignment of leadership behaviours and decisions with the core values of an organisation. It transcends the conventional focus on achieving results and recognizes the significance of ethical conduct, integrity, and the well-being of stakeholders. Values-based leaders serve as role models, wholeheartedly embodying the organisation’s values and inspiring others to do the same.

They establish a culture of trust, transparency, and accountability through consistent demonstration of values-driven behaviours and decision-making. These leaders grasp the vital role that values play in navigating complex challenges and rely on them to make principled choices that benefit not only the organisation but also its employees, customers, and the wider community. Through their actions, values-based leaders cultivate an environment where individuals feel empowered, motivated, and connected to a shared purpose. This drives sustainable success and creates a positive impact on the organisation’s stakeholders.


Individuals within the organisation play a vital role in contributing to the culture of values. They have the opportunity to align their actions with the organisation’s values, effectively bringing those values to life in their daily work. Each individual’s commitment to the shared values creates a ripple effect, influencing colleagues and shaping the overall organisational culture. Embracing values requires self-awareness, as individuals need to understand their own strengths, weaknesses, and values alignment. By developing self-awareness, individuals can identify areas for personal growth and ensure their actions align with the organisation’s values.

Through values-based decision making, individuals are empowered to exercise boundaries. By recognising and respecting the limits and expectations set by the organisation’s values, Individuals can navigate the fine line between personal autonomy and collective responsibility. This empowerment ensures that their actions do not compromise the integrity and ethical standards set by the organisation. To do this, however, requires an understanding of the organisation’s values and one’s own personal values. Where are the synergies, and what does dissonance look like? By commitment to act within those boundaries, even when faced with challenging situations, individuals can make good judgement and adhere to ethical principles.

In addition to self-awareness and understanding boundaries, individuals need to develop the ability to navigate ethical dilemmas and conflicts. Upholding organisational values may sometimes require individuals to make difficult decisions or address conflicting interests. This necessitates ethical reasoning, considering the potential consequences and impacts of different courses of action. Sometimes, we call this dissonance. By honing their ethical decision-making skills, individuals can effectively navigate complex situations and resolve conflicts in a manner that upholds the organisation’s values. This ability to balance competing priorities and make principled choices contributes to a culture of trust, respect, and ethical conduct within the organisation.

To uphold and understand values-based application in organisations, there are practical steps that should be taken to foster alignment.

1. Recruit individuals who align to and have synergies with the organisation’s values
2. Develop robust communication channels that resonate with the core values and provide clarity and consistent messaging
3. Recognise and reward values-driven behaviours through your review and reward systems
4. Continuously evaluating the alignment between stated values and lived experiences.

Organisational success flourishes when values are at the core of its culture. From the perspective of the organisation, leaders, and individuals, embracing and upholding values becomes a shared responsibility. Values shape the identity, purpose, and actions of the organisation. Leaders play a crucial role in exemplifying values, while individuals contribute by living them in their daily work. By prioritising values, organisations create a thriving culture that inspires employees, builds trust, and drives sustainable success. Let us embrace the power of values and embark on a journey to unlock the full potential of our organisations and create a better future for all.

Posner, B. & Munson, M. (1979). The Importance of Values in Understanding Organisational Behaviour. Journal of Human Resource Management.
Dowling, J., & Pfeffer, J. (1975). Organisational Legitimacy: Social Values and Organisational Behaviour. Pacific Sociological Review, 18(1), 122–136. https://doi.org/10.2307/1388226