Competencies exist for a reason. Some love them, and some hate them. At the end of the day, organisations have competencies to create clear guidelines. These guidelines form expectations on acceptable outcomes and behaviours.

It shifts the narrative when we embrace competency frameworks under the metric lens. From a fear of punishment: ‘follow these rules…or else’. To clarity and understanding: ‘I know what is expected of me. I have data on where I am and what I can work on.’

Is it really enough to use competencies as a metric alone?

Similar to organisational values, when a value or competency isn’t embedded in everyday practice, it just becomes words on a page or poster. What’s worse is that these competencies are hardly spoken about on a daily basis and then become the key focal point for performance reviews. The lack of competency integration in everyday practice barely prepares management for success.

So we decided to do something about this. We spoke to clients from across multiple industries. We asked them a few different questions. We wanted to know how they leveraged their management with competencies and what they would change. We went a step further. We were researching best practices on a global scale. We wanted to know what international organisations were doing with management competencies.

We collected several data points from our research. The data reflected the need for a holistic approach to management skills. There was still a need for traditional approaches to management mixed with a modernistic influence. What was the critical factor that made competencies successful? Competencies that were person-centred, attainable, and provided workplace context.

We formed the base of our 3C’s Architecture for manager success from our research. We know that managing and leading require some similar and different skills. We go beyond standard competencies and look to an individual’s potential. We break it down to speak to the relevance of managing people. The 3C’s focuses on building capability as a good manager. They become a mantra for how to grow, innovate, and thrive. No tick box is required here.


Managers who demonstrate and increase their capability possess a growth mindset


Managers who are credible, approach management with high ethics and equity.


A competent manager not only understands the nature of their roles but the needs, skills and strengths of those around them. They need to develop skills and competency within their own teams.

The 3C’s architecture is the core foundation for our Manage with Confidence program offered through the Red Wolf Academy. If you would like to unlock your management potential, reach out to the team today.